(this photo is just a test. Isn't it a purrty flower!)

I finally know what this blog needs!!

1) Get a kicken photo at the top, (a good one of me with my double bandanna style with the blog name between my hands) and with lots of other photos to go with the post. (I have this idea where I write a super short story about, or along with a picture.)

2) Actually post something at least once a week.

3) Play with the text more. You know, make it bigger, smaller, maybe a different font type and color.

4) Just give it more style! Does anyone agree with me? Or even read this for that matter? ???

European Love story

OK so I couldn't find a way to get all the text nicely onto this blog, but I posted it as a note on my Facebook page. Please read it. I worked long and hard on it. Again it will make me very happy to get comments from you about this story. You know, your thoughts, feelings, kudos, what ever.

About this story. (for those of you who want to know) 
European Love Story is the first fictional story I've written that has the most moments sort of taken out of my own life. 
It is my little dream of what I want to happen after I'm done with university. Only when it really happens it will go allot smoother.
I used my brother Luke Drake's name because I look up to him, and would like to be more like him some day. That and it was fun to get him a wife. I also used my sister Lizzy's name in a little part. Not that I have favorites, but I only used Lizzy because I see her having a cute little girl about the time I leave to set off on this adventure. The part of my Nana worrying about me backpacking is some what true.
All other characters are fake, or loosely based off of other people in my life. 

Alright I've talked for to long now. Just click on the link and enjoy. Please.


A little preview

Yes yes I know its been a while since I last posted anything. I will have you know, that I have been very hard at work on an excellent, not so short story. I hope to be posting this story some time by the end of this week.
I still haven't thought of a title I'm proud of just yet. So far I call it "Euro love story". Here is a sneak peak.

I was young, handsome and hoping to find adventure and the life I wanted to live. Ever since I was fifteen, I wanted to go and backpack across Europe. I wanted to learn the languages, meet new people, find new places, and learn a few trades along the way. Then in beautiful Southern France, I met the woman of my dreams. I had already been traveling for three months around parts of England, Northern France, and into parts of Spain. I was in need of some food and money. So as I had done before, I set my bag up in a tree, and then wandered town looking for odd jobs to earn some food or money.
After a full day of searching, but having no success, I found myself in front of a little bakery.

Alright there you have it. Its not a short one but I think that if you just stick through it you will find it to be worth your time.