Cowboys and Bandits

I thought that since this blog is called Bandido stories , its time I wrote a story about bandits. So here it is.

Mathew and Sarah were walking home holding hands, when Jessie and his two friends came running up from behind, snatching Mathew’s lunch box and carrying Sarah off to the playground. Running to the top of the playground Jessie yelled “The Bandits attack again!”

Sarah screamed as she was dragged to the top of the slide, “Ahh! Mathew help me!” Matt was quick to react; he ran to a near by tree and pulled out his gun.

“Pow pow! Let her go you dirty rotten bullies!” The Bandits, Jessie, Tommy, and Timmy scurried off to better cover.

Mathew noticed Zak come up next to him, with his green and brown striped scarf hiding his face. “Don’t worry Matt; I’ll help get her back.”

“Um, thanks Zak. Why do you have a scarf on? It’s super hot today.”

Zak pretended he didn’t hear the question, “I’ll cover you on the right, and you go wide left to get Sarah down the slide.” With that he spun, took out his double finger pistols, and started shooting at Timmy and Tommy on the bridge. “Pow! Pow! Run Matt, run!”

Mathew did just as Zak told him; he ran wide left to a tree closer to the slides, but seeing Zak under more and more gun fire he started shooting too, drawing Tommy’s attention away from Zak.

“Bang Bang!”

“POW, POW pow! I gotcha, I gotcha!”

“Bang! No you didn’t! Bang bang!”

“Yes he did! You’re dead!”

“No I’m not! I have a force field!”

“Cowboys don’t have force fields!”

“Yes huh!”

“No, just ask Mr. Beecroft!”

“Well then I’m a cowboy from the future! Bang bang!”

After declaring himself a future cowboy, Matt made his move up the winding tube slide to where Sarah was being held hostage. After stumbling a slow assent he saw that Jessie was taking Sarah away to another part of his new bandit fortress.

Mathew quickly pulled out his double finger pistol, and aiming at Jessie yelled, “Let her go Jessie!”

“Do you really think you can hit me and not Sarah? Ha-ha you must be a lot better shot now from the last time we faced off,” mocked Jessie.

“Let her go. We didn’t do anything to you.”

“Say, why don’t we make this a bit funner Mattie-boy? Let’s race for her. Loser gets undie-hanged.”

Don’t do it Matt! Just shoot him! I trust you,” pleaded Sarah.

“Where are we racing to?” asked Mathew, slowly lowering his finger pistol.

“From the merry go round to the cafeteria and back.”

“You got your self a race.”

“No Matt just kill him right now!” Begged Sarah, but she wasn’t heard.

Jessie gave Sarah to Tommy and Timmy and met Matt at the starting line. The two racers mounted their horses. Zak counted down from five. “ Go!” They took off running like mad men. Everyone was clapping and cheering them on. Other kids came to join in the excitement of the rivalry. In the chaos, the boys seemed to forget all about Sarah. So, Sarah picked up her backpack, and walked home, leaving the boys to play their silly games. When the race was over and Matt declared the winner, they all looked around wondering where Sarah had gone. Searching the playground left to right, top to bottom, forward and back ward, Mathew was left scratching his head wondering where his damsel in distress had gone. After a minute or two of confusion the boys all agreed that the game was better without girls, and continued their running, shooting, jumping, shouting, rolling, till it came time to ride off into the sunset.

Maybe It's...

Here is yet another poem! Possibly about a certain girl I like. I bet you can't guess who!

Maybe it's her many little freckles.
Maybe it's her sideways smile.
Maybe it's her flirty brow.
Maybe it's those sweet soft lips.
Maybe its all of our "whats?".

It could be the way we drive miles together.
It could be the way she holds my cheek.
It could be the way she lays on my chest.
It could be the way we talk together.
It could be the way we are there for the other.

What about her attitude about life.
And what about her proper wisdom.
And that talent of hers.

Maybe it's just her.
Maybe it just is.
Just maybe...

Spring Summer Days

I Have a new poem for you!

It's not one of the best I've done, but I love it because I wrote in in Kerouac fashion
But better, because he can't do poetry. Like at all.
(Kerouac fashion just means I did it off the top of my head looking out of a window. Just FYI)

Soft green grass on a hill side
Lush short grass on a field below
It’s a warm summer spring day

A cucumber sandwich
Cold glass of lemonade
Why not have a picnic today

Out comes a black and white ball
Running follows the little cleated feet
It’s futball time me dear

Running and kicking
Shouting and panting
Warm air surrounds the body, fills the body

Feeling the sun
Feeling good
Whipping of the hard earned dew

Nothing is like
That spring summer sun
No, not a thing


The other day I made a list of things to do when my friends ask, "What do you want to do?" I've grown to hate that question. So I made a list of things to do. On the top of the list Ialot put Photoshoot. It turned out to be a very good idea. It was very fun. I enjoyed it. The first time I've taken photos in who know how long. These are just the photos of me. (no duh) I will continue to post my favorite pictures over time.
And please leave comments with some sort of feedback.

How to chop vegetables

Welcome to chopping 101. In this class you will learn how to be a proper cutting instrument.

There are three different parts to chopping food: Resting, Chopping, and dulling. We will go over all of this today.

When you are not in use, hopefully you will be in a chopping block. This block of wood has many uses. It keeps you in the right order so that you may be easily found, and so that fingers won't stumble across your sharp edge when they were only looking for the wooden spoon to make lemon aide. Best of all, it will slow down your dulling rate. Before anyone picks you up you must make sure that your handle is dry, and your blade is clean. This will keep you from slipping out of hands, and contaminating other foods.

While you are in use there isn't much you can do. Just hold on and pray to God that you don't slip out of their hands. The cook will do most of the work when it comes to cutting in a straight line. So don't feel bad if the tomato looks like crap when you are done. If you are picked up by a young child do what ever you can to no cut them. This is part of our job because children are stupid and think they can properly handle sharp objects.

The final stage is when you get dull. You must let your cooks know that you are no longer sharp. If they keep neglecting to sharpen your blade, then it would be time for you to slip just a little, and remind them that a sharp blade is a safe blade.

Remember. A sharp knife is a safe knife!
It's nights like these that are all too rare in my life. The nights when the rain falls down. That special kind of rain. The type that seems to kiss you oh so softly as you look up to the skys.

The kind of nights, when I can sit up in bed and read of adventure or love. Mystery or travel.

The nights where the calming pitter patter of that kissing rain, pits, and pats, into my room. Bringing with it that sweet smell that only rain can give off.
Oh yes rainy nights like these are all too rare.

Painting the Town Red

1:35 am: I look to my right to see Dexter in the back of the police car next to me. He has a look of terrified worry on his face. It looks like Zane got away. I can hear how hard the cities finest are working to find him over the police scanner. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea after all.

1:30 am: How did they find us? I thought we were being so careful. I need to find a spot to hide and quick! I’m getting too tired to keep running like this. I’m not that young.

1:25 am: "Dude was that a cop?" I look over my shoulder to see where he is pointing down the street, but don’t see anything.
"I don’t know bruv. I didn’t see it."
"Dude, it’s a cop! He’s coming back! Quick hide in the bushes, or behind a car, or something!" Dexter jumps into the nearest bush, Zane takes cover behind a parked car, I make a short sprint for a dark corner. We all wait for the police car to creep by. As the cop slowly drives by I feel his eyes look right at me; As if he knows right where I’m hiding. All I can do is sit and pray he can’t see me cowering in the shadows like a dog from an abusive owner.

12:45 am: This is the best idea I’ve had in a long time! Just me and the guys, sneaking around, giving this town a bit of color. This is definitely the way to get out of the mind numbing high school routine. I could get used to this.

12:19 am: "Hey, hey guys, let’s climb up there and do a piece up on that roof." Says Zane looking off to where he was talking about. I follow his gaze past a ten-foot fence, over a dumpster, through another fence, up an eight-foot pole, to a low sloping tar rooftop. "Come on, it could be fun! You said we’ve got to challenge ourselves more." I look at Zane getting wide eyed and excited. I glance over to Dexter, who is looking for an easier way up.
Taking another look at the rooftop, I say with a shrug, "Yeah why not."

11:30 pm: We approach a fence blocking off a construction site for a new building going up in the downtown area. "Do you see any cameras?" I ask, my hands starting to sweat in their latex gloves.
"No I don’t think so. Come on, give me a boost." I through our paint bag over the fence, and go down on one knee ready to lift Zane up and over to the other side. Dexter finds a chained gate with just enough space for his skinny body to squeeze through. I follow after him, not wanting to make anymore noise climbing the fence. "Alright let’s do this quick. I really don’t want to go to jail."

11:25 pm: Walking around a corner in a walkway into Main Street, as if on cue we all stop to look at each other and smile. I drop the bag, we each take out a can of spray-paint and start painting like mad men. We loosely spray silhouettes of ourselves in various poses with fake names on the heads like crowns.

11:05 pm: "Alright guys we need to step it up a bit. All we’ve bombed so far are apartment dumpsters. That’s getting lame. We can’t be known as the dumpster boys!" says Zane watching while I finish painting a monster face.
"I actually like the sound of that," squeaked Dexter.
"No I agree we need to step it up a bit, really put our necks out there. Imagine the rush we could get if we paint something right on the street!" I say taking a step back to look at my work feeling the adrenaline finish rushing through my body.
"That’s what I’m talking about!" Zane cheers.

8:30 pm: "Paint?"
"In the bag."
"In my pocket."
"Every one has dark clothes on right?"
"Dude, are you blind?"
"Yeah, dumb question." I take one last look around the room trying to remember if we need anything else. "Alright, let’s give this town some color!"