Only One Truth?

Philosophy is a great class. Full mind in-tangling questions, and heated discussions. I had to write an essay for this class one day. After reading it and working through it, I've become very pleased with what I had to say, how I said it, and just the essay in general. So I would like to share a part of it with you. (I did change it up a bit before posting.)

Suppose that you live in a society where everyone believes that the earth stands still, with the sun, the moon, and the stars revolving around it in predictable, if sometimes complex, orbits. You object, “you’re all wrong: the earth revolves around the sun.” No one agrees with you. Indeed they think that you’re insane . . .. Who’s right? Is it really possible that only you know the truth, and everyone else is wrong? 

I think to answer this question you need to also ask yourself where truth comes from. Does truth fade in and out, or is it always and forever? Truth is always and forever. While we are searching for truth, we are also looking for some sort of stability, something to stay constant, something to rely on to always explain what is going on around us. So I say yes to the original question. It is very possible that only one person can know the truth to something. When using the world and the sun, we know for a fact now that we are orbiting around the sun. We’ve done hundreds of years of experimenting and sent people to space to see. So that one person that thought everyone was wrong and that the world wasn’t the center of the universe, was right. It just took years to prove he was right. 

Absolute truth is not a fad. It does not come in and out of fashion. Luckily with the technology we have these days we can find out if that one person is right or not. 

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