#89 Find the best burger around Utah

Being born and raised in Utah, I like to think I know the place pretty well. While making this list, however, I came to realize that I don't know where to get the best burger. 

Hamburgers and Cheeseburgers are some of my favorite foods. I love them backyard BBQ style. I love them with exciting condiments like egg and ham. (Sammy's Awesome Aussie burger). I love them piled high. I love them just about plain. 

Knowing that I don't know which to call the best is a bit disturbing. I want to find the burger that is worth the drive, worth the money, and worth the wait... so long as it's in Utah. Not just for my personal enjoyment, but to share this wonderful knowledge with friends, family, and the world! 

How does one come to the conclusion if a burger is the best? I've put a fair amount of thought into this and I think my dad say's it best, "You'll just know once you take that fist bite." At first I didn't like this because it left too much up to opinion. I wanted something factual. Something concrete and undebatable. But over time I've come to realize that you can't do that with food because of our different food allergies and our psyche. 

Our taste-buds react differently to the same flavors, and our personal experience plus cultural history has shaped our perceptions of what is good and what is icky. That's why China likes to eat dogs, France likes to eat Snails, and the United States like to eat ... well ... American food. 

Going off opinion is also the best way to do it from an economical standpoint. There are hundreds of places to eat, and hundreds of recipes. I could potentially spend thousands of dollars before finding the one. So I'll do some research and pick out some possible candidates from word of mouth, free lunches, and food articles.  Maybe I'll get lucky and find it next weekend. Maybe it'll be an expensive, and unhealthy journey lasting well into my thirties. 

But what if I eat all the thousands of burgers in Utah and I still don't find it? Well then I'll have to sadly admit that my home state can't make a burger worth crap. After that sad, crippling, heartbreaking, and shocking realization, I'll have to revisit my favorites, and choose the one I like most.
I pray that doesn't have to happen. 

So, if you think you know where the best burger is, stop being stingy and tell me! Share the calories, grease, and love!

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