Group story series: Story 4-

Story FOUR
I never expected that one day I'd open my closet and find... a mouse-spider.
The mouse-speder jumped onto my face and tore the irises out of my eyes.
I screamed and fell out of the window.
Hitting with a slpat.
"Well that was seriously gross" I said to billy.
"No its' not. Everybody does it. Just... slush!"
And then I pulled out of my dagger and stabbed the kgnome to death.
Blood was splattered everywhere.
And it smelled of old feet.
And tasted like the greatest thing ever suddenly, a comet flew at me.
But no! It turned into a dinosaur, which tore my head off.

Story FIVE
I never expected to one day open my closet to find... a small door way. It was a very small door, the size of my shoe.
 Then it bite me.
It hurt so bad, its teeth peircing my flesh, drawing blood.
And then I cried and vomitted ... At the same time.
It was SO exciting! 
Then we turned and escaped into wonderland.
But then the Queen of Hearts turned us into blood sucking stabbing maniacle ZOMBIES.
'Tis the greatest sensation!
I pitty the man wo has never experienced it.
Then litte miss muppet sat on her chair.

Story SIX 
I never expected to one day open my closet and find... a grizzle bear attacking a narwhal!...
Which was wearing a magical wizard hat...
I didn't really know what to do. It grabbed me with 
its scary looking tenticles and held me over my personal toilet.
It shoved me down the toilet, and I was flushed into the sewer.
I pulled a machine gun from my pocket, blasting the roof of the sewage pipe.
Screaming bloody murder the whole while.
So to shut her up I pulled over at a gas station and bought her a sucker.
I think she likes to suck.
But who knows? Maybe her lips were naturally shaped like that.
Or maybe the nuclear testing had done more damage than I had thought.

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