My Battle with Wuxi Fang

Yes it has been almost forever since I last made a post. Yes I have been slacking on my writting. No I don't feel terible about it; but I do feel a touch sad. So to show you I'm still alive, here is a new short story for you.

Relieved from the strain, my body relaxes and melts onto the soft grass. With IPod in ears, feet crossed, and fingers laced across my chest, I smile as the warm sun cast a sleeping spell on me.

I’m older now. There is a beautiful woman lying next to me. Her soft, smooth body warmly fits with mine. Her smell is intoxicating, her touch is soothing. She is the source of my strength, and my kryptonite. Then darkness surrounded us and she is taken.

I’m at the bottom of a tall, steep, mountain. On top I see her tan skin, and the great demon Wuxi Fang behind her. I’ve fought him before; it should be easy to kill him again.

The rock is dark and crumbles away like dry cheese in my hands as I climb. Soon there is no base to the dark pillar of rock. The wind is slowly lifting the mountain to the sky. I see soft clouds above and I climb faster.

Finally, I come in range to attack just as we reach to bottom of the large clouds; I jump with all my remaining strength, sword drawn, flying with body in position to kill. In his maggot infested eyes, I look for his next move, but I don’t see it.

Something hits me from the side knocking me to the ground. I look for what hit me and see that it’s my friend Donkey Kong. But something is different. His eyes. They are like Wuxi Fang’s, full of red maggots. I charge at him, dodge a punch for my side, and deliver an open palm up and under his sternum making him disappear.

I see a whispy tail come for my face and cut it off clean before it can reach me. The end of the tail falls to the ground. I stand ready and alert; always keeping my eye on his kill spot and waiting for my chance.

Then I see my chance. I maneuver around and through his many tails and thrashing fists and I drive my sword into the back of his skull. Feeling the sword crunch past his skin, and glide into the soft mush that is his brain, I scream and push the blade in further. As I jump off his thrashing body I’m hit by his hidden stinger. My body twitches as the poison that will slowly turn me into one of him, fills my body. I crumple down next to the bloody and limp body of my lover.

I look behind me to see Wuxi Fang shrieking and cursing me, swearing he will come back again and then I’ll be under control. His shrieks turn to honks.

I open my eyes and have to squint to see my mom home from the store. I pause my music and hear her ask me to help with the groceries.


  1. You crack me up I love you so! Such a romantic yet so twisted, like all great writers, although I have never heard them talk of maggots in that way. It does make me want to take a nap in the sun or go shopping just to have you help me with the groceries =) XOXO Mom

  2. did you know that i love you? :D

  3. i enjoy all the details and the way you describe things. its fantastic almost like an alice in wonderland affect just more grusum haha :) non the less fantastic
